I can't tell you how important it is to check in on your STRONG FRIENDS! Us "strong ones" usually do a pretty good job of making it LOOK easy, but that's not always the case. Thank God we don't always look like what we go through. We need to be poured into from time to time so that we too can preserve our sanity. Our vision. Our will to keep GOING. I know that I'm better and smarter today than I've ever been before. I'm wiser than I used to be. But even now, after everything, I haven't completely mastered the art of letting go of fear. I'm talking a self-sabotaging, action-crippling, fear. Every now again, I revert back to the ways I used to think or the ways I used to feel before I decided to ask God to order my steps. I'm learning that this is what it feels like when you've been given a big assignment. Growth is often scary and uncomfortable because it's something you've yet to experience. It's new. Sometimes in these moments we feel small, maybe a little too small. We were not born with the spirit of fear, rather it was created by man in this natural world. I want you to know that God can call you to grab a hold of something that you're scared of. All of your self-doubts and personal afflictions that you may struggle with do not prohibit you from being used as a vessel for greatness. God's Grace is made perfect in our weaknesses, and that's why we cannot run from the things that terrify us. These are the things that grow and nurture our faith. These are the inequities that force us to open up our mouth and ASK for help! Believing in His Mercy will grow the belief in your heart that YOU ARE WORTH IT...and little things won't soon stop you from doing the bigger things. Be steadfast, family. He will be your sustenance and supply you with every thing that you need to move forward. You have more than what you think you have, and you can do more than what you think you can do. I'm curious to know...Where does your strength come from? How do your loved ones pour Salt & Light into you?

#TrustTheProcess #WorththeWait #PotatoBoule #PeterReinhart