I once took a Global Ethics class at Johnson & Wales where we discussed various types of discrimination, whether it be racial, social, or economic divisions. A rather poignant book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDann titled "Half The Sky" challenged me to think outside my comfort box. The book addresses how some extremely resilient women were using their experiences to fight oppression and give light and a voice to those who may not have one. It spoke immediately to my heart. I began to study food insecurities and food deserts to better understand how such disproportions in the food system exist in my Charlotte, NC community. It became increasingly clear to me that I had to use my unique gifts and culinary talents as an opportunity to advocate for change. Have you ever wanted to do something good but didn't know where to start because there were so many options? WHERE do you start? HOW do you start? Help! I need to know...what is it that you do with all that you have been given? What do YOU do with your half of the sky?